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Iron cans: more in line with future environmental trends

The existing containers include cans, aluminum cans, paper and plastic containers, which have different characteristics. According to the international environmental management standard ISO-14000, which will soon be implemented and has the characteristics of low pollution and recyclable iron cans, there will be broader development space in future packaging applications:
1. Low pollution:
The main raw materials for iron can containers are actually environmentally harmless due to natural decomposition, because when tin is present in the environment, natural oxidation can be returned to the original state of iron oxide, returning to nature. The stacking in the waste container is decomposed over time, without causing environmental pollution. At the same time, can making and processing do not require cutting down trees and do not disrupt ecological balance.
2. Recyclable:
The iron can itself will have packaging materials such as resistance characteristics that are not attracted by magnets. Such a magnetic separator can be used to separate the waste from the can, and this function can easily achieve a garbage 80 · F effect of the can. Moreover, the environmentally friendly cover of the present invention not only uses safer tin cans for health, but also reduces the amount of garbage, with direct and obvious benefits for recovery operations.
3. Provincial resources:
For other aspects of pollution removal of tin residues, a crusher device has been developed, which can effectively remove pollutants exceeding 98 · F to provide high-quality iron filings. In addition, the US has also noticed that the existence of easy to open covers for aluminum scrap metal is beneficial for reconstruction and reduces the cost of steel as a whole.
The report points out that compared to the production of tinplate scrap steel, the production of iron ore uses approximately 230 cubic meters of natural gas to save tons of scrap iron. Therefore, the recycling and reprocessing process of cans can reduce the impact on the global environment, energy, and future product development trends

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